Work Study
UCA, Department of Art, Graphic Design Lab
Lab Assistant
The proactive Work Study Student primarily assists faculty in installing software, maintaining lab environment, assists students with technical questions about software (where knowledgeable), keeps work space clean, gathers lab supplies when needed. Some duties, un-named here, related to maintaining a multi-use student artists workspace and studio may be required by faculty. Duties and experience gained are commensurate with the expectations of the needs of a multi-use student artist studio and workspace.
Lab Monitor
The proactive Work Study Student’s primary duty consists of monitoring the computer lab environment and answering technical questions about software (where knowledgeable).
Lab Assistant & Lab Monitor
This position comprises the duties and expectations considered in the previous two position descriptions.
Additional Information
Student positions will begin no EARLIER than the 2nd week of classes. The position will end NO LATER than the Friday of the Week of Finals. Hiring will be based upon needs of the area.
Students in the hiring process are required to file all appropriate paperwork requested by Department of Art Office Supervisor (McAlister RM 101). Upon hiring the student understands she or he will be responsible for keeping track of hours and timecard (or the equivalent) as is required by the Art Office and that un-timeliness in maintaining timecard (or equivalent) activity may be grounds for termination from the position.
*If you are interested in this position please email Professor Peter Bella
*This information is created for Peter Bella's personal use to indicate the necessary constraints for being considered for this position.
*This site and the pages found herein are Peter Bella's personal teaching materials and content.
*This is not a website and is a resource used as an augmented teaching environment. All content is solely the property and creation of Peter Bella.