Students will investigate design problems, which will extend their skills and knowledge regarding the generation of complex design solutions. Development of single and multiple-piece assignments based on actual client needs. Topics include the creation of media campaigns for both print and digital media using advanced software techniques to generate complex page layouts. Familiarity with basic computer graphic applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign are important. This course will introduce students to additional graphic software such as Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, HTML & CSS, Adobe XD, InVision, and Sketch.
COURSE GOALS: This course will prepare the student to:
- Become familiar with a variety of methodologies and theories in graphic design.
- Develop a vocabulary and knowledge base related to graphic design history.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: As a result of taking this course the student will:
- The acquisition of knowledge to demonstrate an understanding of methodologies and theories in graphic design and it's history.
- The application of knowledge by producing work that demonstrates an understanding of methodologies and theories in graphic design and its history through exercises and projects in and out of the classroom.
- Through personal and professional values students will demonstrate the highest levels of personal integrity and professional ethics.
- Through a sense of community students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to be productive and responsible citizens and leaders in local, regional, national, and international communities. In so doing, students will demonstrate a commitment to free and open inquiry and mutual respect across multiple cultures and perspectives.
- Students will demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving competence and adaptability in their approach to problem solving. In so doing, students will demonstrate critical-thinking abilities and familiarity with quantitative and qualitative reasoning.
- Students will demonstrate the written, oral, and multimedia communication skills necessary to communicate effectively in diverse settings through course presentations and discussions.
TEXTBOOK: Recommended; Making and Breaking the Grid
DIGITAL STORAGE: Recommended: 1 USB drive with a minimum of 16GB of space
JOURNAL/SKETCH BOOK: During the semester you will be required to have a sketchbook and to keep a journal of project process work, research, thumbnail sketching, ideation, writing reflections of observations of real world art and design, art, design concepts and/or topics covered in class. The journal is important. It’s intent is to teach thought, both written and visual, as well as discipline and to be critically aware within your field. You must be prepared to discuss your entries.
*This site and the pages found herein are Peter Bella's personal teaching materials and content. This is not a website and is a resource used as an augmented teaching environment. All content is solely the property and creation of Peter Bella.